Mary Lou Makepeace has been the Executive Director of the Gay and Lesbian Foundation for Colorado since 2003. She also serves as vice-president for Colorado programs of the Gill Foundation. The Gay and Lesbian fund was started by Tim Gill to support non-profit organizations around Colorado, including healthy families, arts and culture, civic engagement, public broadcasting and event sponsorship.
Mary Lou says, “We are trying to advance equality in Colorado where everyone is treated equally and with respect. That includes all people not just LGBT people. The focus of our granting is helping our grantees become more economically self-sufficient and increasing their ability to advance equality within their organization as well as in the work they’re doing in the community.
“We’re unique in the philanthropic world. We are funded entirely by Tim Gill and therefore, not in competition with other non-profits for funds. There aren’t many organizations like ours in the country because there are not many Tim Gill’s out there.”
Mary Lou sees that, “The civil rights movement was not just about African-Americans, the women’s movement was not just about women and the movement for LGBT rights can’t just be about gay people. It has to be about all of us who are concerned with our fellow citizens and insuring the rights that are guaranteed in the Constitution.
“Ending homophobia requires both education and getting to know each other. This means non-LGBT people getting to know LGBT people and vice versa. When a non-gay person knows a gay person and sees that they are real people with aspirations, values, hurts and joys they change their minds about gay rights. The only way to overcome the demonization of gay people is through personal experience.
“We are being called to look at our neighbors, our brothers and sisters, and find our commonalities. We have so much more in common with one another then we have differences. Those who recognize that, need to be very vocal and active about broadcasting the message that we’re all in this together.
“Current times make me very nervous because there’s so much hostility, suspicion and distrust of government, as well as people who look different, worship differently or have a different sexual orientation. We as a society can’t survive with that kind of separation. We must embrace one another with all our differences and make America live what it was established to be, a place for all of us to be treated with respect and dignity.”
Mary Lou Makepeace was Colorado Springs’ first female mayor, serving from 1997 to 2003. As mayor, she led a nine-member city council, served as chairman of the board of Colorado Springs Utilities and provided oversight to city-owned Memorial Hospital. In addition, she is an adjunct faculty member for the Center for Creative Leadership at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, as well as running the Mary Lou Makepeace Group.
Prior to joining the Gill Foundation, Mary Lou was the executive director for Leadership Pikes Peak, where she managed an array of community leadership programs designed to develop leadership skills and promote civic involvement.
Her experience also includes being a teacher at the American School in Tananarive, Madagascar; assistant to the Defense Attaché at the American Embassy in Prague, Czechoslovakia following the Soviet invasion; and the adult education officer at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany.
More information about Mary Lou and the work being done by the Gay and Lesbian Fund can be found at More information about Tim Gill and the work of the Gill Foundation can be found at
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