Have you ever wondered what Joe meant when he referred to “Wire Data”? Today, you'll see the applicability of wire data in your organization, and you'll be amazed. Solve fraud, cybersecurity, ops, and business challenges, all with one single source of data. Wire data is the information that passes over computer and telecommunications networks to define communications between client and server devices. It is the result of decoding wire and transport protocols containing the bi-directional data payload. We will cover the use of wire data to solve security, IT operations, and business use cases, and see how the Splunk Stream platform is easily integrated into your existing data flows. The Splunk Essentials for Wire Data app from Splunkbase will be used to showcase dozens of examples using wire data to solve common business and technical issues. We will cover how to deploy and configure Splunk Stream in a distributed environment, including a demonstration.
Simon O’Brien, Principal Sales Engineer, Splunk
Vinu Alazath, Engineer, Splunk
Slides PDF link - https://conf.splunk.com/files/2019/slides/FN1206.pdf?podcast=1577146235