This teaching not only refreshes my knowledge of Him, it also reveals thing I previously did not know. When I discover Him, there is a greater opportunity for me to discover my authentic self, as well. When Peter said, “Thou art The Christ!” He said that when his name was Simon. This answer prompted Jesus to respond to Him by saying, “Blessed art thou Simon, for flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father which is in heaven, and now I am going to call you Peter!” When you come to know who He is, He will tell you who you are. You won’t have to look and search for your identity, because when the One who has all authority and all power and all dominion identifies you, then that is who you are, by grace and through faith. In Philippians chapter 2, we learned that God had highly exalted Him and given Him a name that is above every name. Hebrews tells us that God has anointed Him and made Him an heir of all things. So, God is now saying to the world, everything that He intends to communicate through His Son, Jesus. Present position is reflected in the authority of a name, not past pedigree. There are names we continue to respect, even when the person is out of public service, public eye, or even deceased. They only had authority when they occupied the position of power. Jesus has been given ALL power and ALL authority over ALL things. He outranks ALL the other Old testament prophets. He lives in us and has shared His name with us, and we have been made joint heirs with Jesus. Think about that the next time you feel that you are “under the circumstances!”