We encourage you to listen to this 7-minute podcast with Dr. Claudia Hoyen, Director of Pediatric Innovation and Medical Director, Peds Infection Control, UH/Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital. In our drive to eliminate serious harm in children’s hospitals, we know we have to find new solutions, and as part of this effort, SPS has launched a new innovations program. On this podcast, Dr. Hoyen, a co-leader for this new program, shared innovation work that is being done at her hospital. At Rainbow, they’ve been working hard to reduce CLABSIs. After many huddles, the hospital found that the lines of their patients who had GI issues had somehow become compromised and ended in places where they didn’t belong. Following this realization, Dr. Hoyen met a couple who had just formed a company called CareAline. The couple invented CareAline wraps, wraps that can be safely tucked away when the central line is not in use, out of a direct need for their child who was a patient at Rainbow. The success of the wraps inspired many, and Rainbow has successfully instituted them as part of their bundle. Importantly, in the last year and a half since instituting the wraps, the hospital has seen no additional infections due to a line being in a place it didn’t belong.
SPS Network members, we hope this inspiring innovation story encourages you to submit an innovation proposal to SPS. Please check out the announcements section of the SPS SharePoint homepage for additional information.