-Your host (Rebecca) shares her birth story! Her son was born on a snowy day in February and she feels so lucky that he chose her as a mother. This birth story features lots of laughs, alternative medicine, and a drug-free birth in a hospital.
-Rebecca stresses that her birth story is her own. She hopes that by sharing hers she inspires others to have their own aligned, authentic pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience that is free from shame and judgement.
-She also shares her newfound rage about the lackluster maternal care system and standard of care in the United States.
-Rebecca wants the standard of care to improve, but in the meantime she would like to help people learn to advocate for themselves pre/during/post pregnancy.
-Listen in as she shares her story about standing in her power as a first time mom and her recommendations for how you can show yourself radical self-love during the pregnancy process. The birth mother is not merely the vessel for bringing the child into this world. They deserve so much more.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth:
Every Mother Counts:
Postpartum Support International:
Rebecca's Website:
Rebecca's Instagram: