As we journey through life, failure is inevitable. It is a part and parcel of life. Logically, yes- we understand that - but emotionally, now, that can often seem a little tougher than one would think. While we will never be able to stop failure so to say, we can always learn to look upon it positively and deal with it effectively. But how do we do that? Is that even possible? Well! It’s more than possible!! And bringing an insightful perspective to failure and how to deal with it effectively, I have yet another wonderfully inspiring guest.
This week we are standing out with ‘Jennifer Randive’ She is the Maverick CEO of focus direct Management Consultants. She’s an author, executive producer of a film titled "Mommy Says I'm Special". She is The Global Chair of The ALL G100 Oneness and Wisdom Wing of The Prestigious Non Profit Organisation G100. She also a Facilitator who Assists with, Out-Creating Status Quo That Allows For Everyone To Grow. My guest on this episode is Jennifer Randive! She’s a powerful blend of A Maverick, Mentor, Consultant, Coach, Speaker, Awareness Coach and Podcast Presenter. Jennifer, with her unique perspectives and inspiring stories brings forth clarity and confidence to say that dreams can come true and that failure- is not as bad as one may think of it to be. Jennifer Randive is an absolute pleasure to share a conversation with, and this was one such conversation that I hold dearly.