CEO, Nintendo, Tokyo<\/strong>\r\rFrom the continued popularity of the Nintendo DS to a doubling of sales of the Wii, Iwata proved that people will still spend money on what they love. In a recession, they’re just more choosy. “What affects the game business the most is makers’ ability to introduce products that surprise consumers, rather than only economic conditions themselves,” Iwata told a Nikkei reporter. His next goal: “We need to further expand the concept of what a video game is…. We will redefine games to include anything bringing people joy, including music, cameras, and health-management features.”","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":""}" data-image-title="satoru_iwata" data-image-description="
CEO, Nintendo, Tokyo
From the continued popularity of the Nintendo DS to a doubling of sales of the Wii, Iwata proved that people will still spend money on what they love. In a recession, they’re just more choosy. “What affects the game business the most is makers’ ability to introduce products that surprise consumers, rather than only economic conditions themselves,” Iwata told a Nikkei reporter. His next goal: “We need to further expand the concept of what a video game is…. We will redefine games to include anything bringing people joy, including music, cameras, and health-management features.”
" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" tabindex="0" role="button" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-151" title="satoru_iwata" src="" alt="" srcset=" 600w, 150w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px" />
Jeepers Creepers strikes again, this time claiming the life of Xzyliac! Now two women down, Ron and Alex enlist the help of internet person Dan McKenney to fulfill the most important task in the universe: talk about videogames on the internet a bit. This week, the cast is also joined by the President of the Nintendo Corporation, Satoru Iwata who speaks to the crew all the way from Japan, talking about his exciting weekend, his mother’s baking and his underdeveloped social skills. Want to know what the crew talked about this week? Well holy shit-in-a-bucket do I have the bullet-pointed list for you! It goes as thus:
Some more talk about Portal.Wii 2 details are confirmed! Apathy abound!PSN is down. Oh well.The ending of Red Dead Redemption is ruined…again.Xzyliac does return in the final 10 minutes, and completely ruins the awesome Jeepers Creepers running joke we had. NICE WORK, DOUCHEBAG.Want to show your friends, family and pets how awesome your taste in podcasts is on the go? Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes, and every week some kind of stupid magic technology thing will allow you to take the show wherever you go, any time of day!
Hey! Listen!
(The music in this episode is “Pork and Beans” by Weezer, “Control” by Kid Sister, and “Still Alive” by Jonathan Coulton form his live album, “Best. Concert. Ever.”)