Matt Jenkins is an expert on Motivation and Behaviour Change. He completed our Co.Starters programme to use his PhD in Sports Psychology to help individuals create diet and movement change with the Mensana Movement (Matt explains why movement is a better choice of word than exercise).
During the podcast Matt discusses a range of topics including:
- How he transformed his personal training business
- The 'Motivation Soup' concept
- How motivation theory applies in health and business
- Why he chose Dunedin
- The role of boredom in our lives
- His journey in starting the Mensana Movement
- The "Big Rocks, Little Rocks' tool he uses to distribute his time
- The habits & tools he uses to stay on top of his game
- Perceived value vs Actual value
- Why health 'experiments' out perform 'challenges'
You can find out more about Matt & the Mensana Movement at:
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