On this EnrichHer edition episode of StartUp Funding hosted by Dr. Roshawnna Novellus we are continuing our quest to highlight the best women led enterprises in the city of Atlanta. Today we have Linda Chatmon the creator of AppDiva and the founder and CEO of Contracts and Grants.
She shares with us her entrepreneurial journey and how she came up with her awesome ideas, she has always wanted to train women to transition from welfare to work. Within 6 months she was able to leave her previous job and create her own company and has never looked back. She also talks about the AppDiva which is a suite of apps designed specifically for business professionals and entrepreneurs. The purpose of AppDiva is to give startups the opportunity to get referrals from their customers.
Linda has successfully helped small businesses with proposal support, business development and she has been able to assist startups, corporations, and organizations, win over $356M in government contracts and grants since 2011. We get to learn on this interview what Linda is most excited about in her business right now including her e-learning system, the Fast Track series and the Q&A where she works with fellow entrepreneurs, showing them how to get government contracts.
We get to learn about the biggest challenge that Linda Chatmon has had to face and surprisingly educating companies to let them know what they need before they need it tops her list. In a city full of entrepreneurs, Linda has been able to make an impact in Atlanta by changing the entrepreneurial ecosystem and help entrepreneurs get to the next level. She has been able to create and develop a system where contracts can be awarded to small businesses based on previous performance or performance on the Fast Track series.
Knowing that we may be interested in getting on her platform Linda shares how we can become a part of her company's story and create our very own entrepreneurial success stories.
Roshawnna Novellus and Linda Chatmon discuss:
[00:51] Linda talks to us about her whole entrepreneurial journey and how she came up with her awesome ideas.
[01:52] She tells us what the AppDiva and her favorite features.
[02:38] Linda tells us how she is able to help small business get over their self-imposed limitations.
[03:55] We get to learn about the spectrum of services and products that are offered by her companies.
[05:01] Having multiple businesses, Linda tells us what is happening right now that has her excited.
[06:29] Linda shared and insight to her learning experience and experiences teaching companies what they need to know.
[08:41] Linda share the process involved for anyone who wants to be a part of what she is up to.