Get to know the creator and writer of What Lies Beyond, Zak Adams. Zak talks with Station Obscura editor Devon Hoar and tech man Greg about his writing path, favorite movies, inspirations, and tips for other writers.
Adams is the creator and writer of What Lies Beyond, a Station Obscura story. He grew up in Charlotte, VT, and studied Film & English at the University of Vermont. Adams’ passions include writing and making films. Currently, he is studying for a Master’s degree in Film Production from the University of Southern California. Adams hopes to one day make satirical films that embody the regional quirks of Vermont and New England. Listen to the interview to learn more!
Zak mentions the following as inspiration for What Lies Beyond:
Nice Try! podcast, Biosphere 2: The Theater of Utopia (listen here:
"Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw
Moon (2009), directed by Duncan Jones
The cover art for Silent Running (1972), directed by Douglad Trumbull