Priscilla Liang (aka Priska) chats with Sierra about how she crafts her incredible podcast Two Horny Goats, contrasts her experience with a life coach to Sierra's experience with a therapist, how the "individual genius" is a new concept (it used to be a bunch of people getting their ideas from divine spirits, duh!), and how her approach to her music has changed as she's matured (like no more Adele at Karaoke?! *gasp*). AND in a shocking reveal, Stay Podsitive has a brand new show segment: NEGATIME! This is when the guest gets to go off about something and get all negative, and Priscilla inaugurates this brilliantly talking negatively about when youtube stars use their kids for clout and the general triggers of exploited kids on social media. But then again, Sierra follows some cute babies and doesn't want the content to stop. WHAT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO?! Priscilla ends on the excellent advice (especially for you people-pleasers out there) to try and ground yourself before entering a room by asking yourself - Who am I? Where am I? How do I feel?