She's had the organist. Now she wants the Vicar.
A Series in 17 parts, by Blacksheep. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.
Mia weakly raised her hand and switched off the shower.
"That was amazing, Gordy-pie. Organists really are good with their hands!"
"Not so bad yourself," he panted. "Wow. I enjoyed that immensely! You're quite a lass, Mia."
"I'd like to see you play the organ," she said, stepping out of the shower and reaching for a towel.
need to get my breath back first!" He laughed, as Mia began playfully
drying him off. "God, you're an eager little beaver aren't you?"
hee. Yes, but what I meant was, I'd like to see you play the church
organ. I've not been inside a church for years. Jenna said that St
a nice church." I wonder what else she's told her? Gordon thought. "Why
not come along to the Sunday service? You can see me in action there,
so to speak. After the service, you can have a go on the organ if you'd
like. Do you play any musical instruments?"
"Guitar and violin, but I've not practiced for ages."
so strings are your thing? That's good. It'd be nice to have a
violinist in the choir. One of the choristers plays the trumpet. Which
keeps him from singing and I'm glad of it as his voice is bloody awful."
Mia sniggered. "You're funny, Gordy-pie. I really like you. Are all organists as fun as you?"
lass. I'm one of a kind. He pulled her close and kissed her neck and
lips. He was an incredible kisser, and she was curious to know more
about him.
"Are you married?"
divorced," came his reply. "I'm married to the pipe organ, as they
say." He wondered if Jenna had mentioned anything about their various
liaisons over the past year, and was about to say something, when the
bathroom door suddenly opened.
"Jen! Ever thought of knocking before entering?" Mia gasped, covering herself with a towel.
"I can't leave you alone for five minutes can I?" She turned to Gordon, who grinned sheepishly at her.
"Um, hello!"
"Funny place to have organ lessons, Gordon," Jenna said, as she watched him squirm.
was just showing me how good an organist is with his hands, weren't
you?" Mia said, kissing him. "And you know what, he's amazing!"
"Oh I'm well aware of how good he is," Jenna replied, folding her arms.
disapproval, Gordon attempted to explain. "It just happened. I didn't
know your cousin was here," he prattled. "I put the plant pots in the
yard, went into the kitchen and she was just there, wearing nothing but a
don't need to explain yourself, Gordy-pie. We've not done anything
wrong," Mia said. "We're both single. Why are you so uptight, Jenna? Is
it because we're in the vicarage? Is that like, a sin or something?"
was in no position to claim the moral high ground. "No, no of course
not. I was, just a bit surprised, that's all. It's fine. Just, try to be
a bit more discreet, Mia. What if Simon had walked in?"
"Oh I'm sure the good reverend would approve," Gordon smiled, winking at her.
The perceptive Mia noticed his gesture and wondered what he was hinting at.
"Jenna took a deep breath. "Okay, well I'm going to have a coffee. I'll leave you to get dressed. Do you want a drink, Gordon?"
"A tea would be lovely. I'm parched. Thanks!"
"I'll have tea as well, please." Mia added.
Jenna left the bathroom.
"She's acting weird," Mia said. "There's something she's not telling me."
Oh boy, wait until you find out, Gordon thought. Your mind will be blown.
"Maybe she's a bit envious!" Gordon said as he picked up his clothes, and wondered where his underpants had gone.
"Can I keep these, Gordy-pie?" Mia giggled, holding up his white briefs.
"Think they're too big for you!"
"I don't want to wear them. I want to keep them under my pillow and sniff them at night."
"In that case, they're all yours! But I want your knickers in return!"
"Fair's fair!" She tossed him her pale pink cotton undies to him.
"I loved our shower time," Mia said, kissing him again. "And I loved your big cock. You're a sexy man, Gordy-pie."
hopes Mia-pie can play with his organ again very soon!" the organist
replied as they got dressed and headed downstairs.
Jenna brought them both a cup of tea as they sat down in the lounge.
"Gordon, you're not going to put up with her calling you that cringey nickname are you?" she said, handing him the cup.
"I like it. It's cute," he said, as Mia rested her head on his shoulder.
childish. If someone had called you that a year ago, you'd have bitten
their head off. You used to have a terrible temper."
well that was before I saw the light," he said, sipping his tea. "When
you, showed me the way." He smiled at Jenna as she sat opposite them.
"For that, you know I am forever grateful," he added.
"Did you become a born again Christian like Jenna, Gordy-pie?" Mia asked.
always been a Christian," Gordon replied. "I just sin a lot, that's
all. As we all do, right?" He raised an eyebrow at the vicar's wife.
"But we keep praying for forgiveness every week, and luckily for us, God
is the forgiving sort, eh?"
The front door opened and Reverend Morris came in.
"Good lord, I need a large brandy!" He gasped, tossing the car keys on the table.
"What I have seen, can't be unseen, and what I've heard, can't be unheard!"
"Whatever's the matter Simon?" Jenna said, standing up.
"You were right, Jen. Gladys Wilcox and the churchwarden. They're, at it!"
"Told you so," Jenna said. "Actual sex? I'm not being ageist but can Gladys manage that at her age?"
Regular vanilla sex would've been easier to deal with. Actually, I
think gerbilling would be easier to deal with. But seeing Norman, naked
in her backyard, wearing a pinny and being struck on his arse with a
riding crop,”
Jenna cleared her throat, trying to silence him, given that they had company.
She treats him like a slave and he enjoys it!" The vicar continued,
unaware there was an audience. "And there's more. She knows about the
storeroom threesome, and you won't believe this, she proudly told me,
that sometime during Lent, she performed oral sex on Gordon."
"Ahem. Simon, shush, we've got," Jenna cringed. "Wait, what? She gave Gordon oral?"
Mia's jaw dropped.
him off whilst he was sat at the church organ! She'd wanted him to be
her slave, but he declined. So she set her sights on Norman instead.
Well we both know Gordon prefers a younger woman, right?" He turned
round, and noticed Gordon sat on the settee, and Mia sat next to him.
"Oh, good afternoon Gordon!"
"I brought those plant pots you wanted," the organist meekly uttered.
and Reverend Morris sat on the settee watching an episode of Father
Brown, although neither were really paying attention to it.
can't get that image out of my head. Gladys giving Gordon a blowjob and
whipping Norman's bare buttocks. I know we've, engaged in some
naughtiness, but I never imagined one of the oldest members of the
church was into that sort of thing!"
for her," Jenna replied. "Kinkiness aside, it's nice for her to have
Norman as a lodger. I mean, she lives alone and in this day and age,
older people can feel vulnerable. I know Gladys misses her hubby a lot."
Bert. Yes. He was dead long before I came to St Michaels. Bishop George
told me more about him. He was the organist before Gordon took over.
Apparently he was quite a character."
"I'm sure he was. And the current organist seems to be going the same way."
you seem a bit unhappy about Gordon having intercourse with your cousin
today. Is that because you're protective of her or because of, well, I
know how close you are to him?"
sighed. "Oh Simon. I'm ashamed of myself. I actually felt jealous when I
saw the two of them together. How selfish is that? After everything you
did for me last year when it was my birthday, and you gladly accepted
my dalliances with the other male members of the church. Can you forgive
me? I wish to say a prayer of forgiveness."
vicar took his wife's hands in his. "Of course I can, my love. And I
understand how you feel. You see, with Mia here, I think you've got
something you've never had to deal with before."
"What's that?"
"A rival!"
Mia was eavesdropping from the staircase. A mischievous grin formed on her face as she listened.
shit, Jenna's had more men than Elton John's had wigs. She had the
nerve to have a go at me for seducing Tom. And she's slept with Gordon
too? No wonder she looked so tense. Ha! And sweet, Reverend Simon is
okay with that? That's not what it teaches in the Bible, surely?"
She slipped back to her bedroom.
"Let us pray together," Reverend Morris said.
I return to You with my sins before me. Nowadays, I lack compassion for
my brother and sisters, my eyes are clouded with wrongdoings my heart
is against. Opposing Your Words, I sinned and done evil in Your eyes. I
drained myself off Your kindness and followed my worldly desires.
Father, guide me as You are right in Your verdict and justified in Your
judgment. Do not leave me astray as I pray for a blissful life with You
and a life free of evil. In Your Mercy, I pray.
-(Luke 15:18, Psalm 51:3-4)
feel better," Jenna said, opening her eyes. She ran a finger down her
husband's cheek. "Simon, let's go to bed. Mia's asleep. The guest
bedroom is right at the other end of the landing. She won't hear us.
Tonight I need my Vicar's touch,”
"What a good idea! All this talk of Gladys Wilcox getting her hands on men's dicks, I'd quite like some hands on mine!"
A Girl With Fantasies
lay back on the bed in the darkness, her mind buzzing with the events
of the day. Reaching under the pillow, she pulled out the pair of
Gordon's briefs.
"Enjoyed you, Gordy-pie! You were a total sweetie."
sighed, pressing the crotch of the underwear against her nose and
inhaling deeply, whilst fingering herself with her other hand. Gordon's
undies bore a pleasant, musky, manly scent, a faint mark which she
assumed was pre-cum, and a couple of wiry grey pubic hairs. Perfect.
Knowing that the organist's thick cock had been snugly contained within
was enough to make her climax again. She wondered if he was wanking off
and sniffing her knickers.
he likes mine too." She wanted to see the organist again, as sex with
him had been amazing, but Mia had her sights set on a bigger prize - and
this one wore a clerical collar.
was in bed, but having difficulty sleeping. His mind was a complete
whirl. He reflected how in the past year, he'd gone from being
completely sex-starved, to having more sex than he'd ever had during a
whole fifteen years of marriage, and during his late teens, when he'd
been a horny youth, desperate to sleep with any woman. In the Eighties,
those halcyon pre-Internet days, just stumbling across a discarded porn
magazine in the bushes was more valuable than gold. He remembered his
time at university, when he used to spy on the nurses undressing at a
chuckled as he remembered losing his virginity to his piano teacher -
whilst she was giving him a tour of Blackpool Tower ballroom. He
credited her with starting his interest in wanting to play organs,
at me now," he said out loud. "I got seduced by a woman young enough to
be my daughter. Who is now the vicar's wife. I fucked a Ukrainian woman
in the church. I've been fucking the vicar's wife every week in the
church. I took part in a threesome with her and the vicar. I and several
other men gave her a facial in the church. I got my dick sucked by an
eighty-six year old pensioner too. Now I'm fucking the eighteen-year old
cousin of the vicar's wife, and exchanging underwear with her."
reached for the pair of pink knickers and gave them a good sniff,
stroking his cock at the same time. The crotch had dried, but earlier it
had been wet and sticky with Mia's pussy juices. A heavenly scent.
world is a bloody mess right now, but I'd say my life is pretty good,"
he smiled. "I hope Mia wants to see me again. She's a lovely, horny
little thing. I hope she comes to church this Sunday."
wanked himself off happily, before slipping into a blissful slumber.
For the first time in a year, he dreamt of a woman other than Jenna.
Mia’s Delight
was edging closer to an orgasm as she continued to pleasure herself.
Gordon's briefs pressed against her face were having the desired effect,
but oh, God, she wished she had a large dildo as well. Her sopping
pussy was aching to be filled again.
Hearing muffled laughter on the landing, brought her back to her senses. The sound of a bedroom door closing. More laughter.
slid off the bed and wiped her hand on her t-shirt. Tiptoeing to the
door, she opened it, and listened. The inky darkness of the landing was
disturbed by a light under Jenna's bedroom door.
the stealth of a cat, Mia slunk down the landing. Standing in front of
the door, the sounds from within were clearer. The creak of a bedframe.
The headboard bumping against the wall. The low moans of the reverend,
followed by the higher pitched gasps of Jenna.
bit her lip as she listened to their carnal sounds. Squinting, she
peered through the keyhole. The tiny opening barely allowed an
interested voyeur to see a thing, but just briefly, she glimpsed
Reverend Morris' bare backside rising and falling. Lying between her
cousin's legs which, likewise entirely bare, were extended straight
upwards into the air.
"Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna, in, the, Highest Heavens!" Reverend Morris yelled, to which Jenna responded by screaming in ecstasy.
clamped her hand against her mouth to stifle a laugh. At the same time,
her pussy tingled like crazy. That the good vicar quoted Biblical
phrases during sex, turned her on in a way she never expected.
"I am coming soon! Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown!"
This quote from the Book of Revelation proved too much, and seconds later, Jenna climaxed, with a scream.
Mia tried to remain silent as she too, came. With a wildly beating heart, she shuffled back to her bedroom.
"I want him. I want Reverend Morris to fuck me like that."
Reverend Morris is seduced, but can he satisfy her?
flashed, followed by a crash of thunder so powerful it rattled the
kitchen windows. The storm began not with a sprinkle or drizzle but with
a sudden downpour, as if clouds were hollow structures that could
shatter like eggshells and spill their entire contents at once. So far,
July was proving far less flaming than June.
Reverend Morris said, as the rain made him look up from his laptop.
"Not a good start to Mia's first day in her new job, is it?"
"A bit of summer rain won't bother her," Jenna replied. "Her mind's probably fixated on Gordon."
give her some credit, Jen. She's shown initiative. I think she'll work
hard and be a good cleaner for the church. She did an excellent job
tidying up our kitchen."
true. She should be about finished in around twenty minutes. Ten hours a
week isn't much. I wonder what her long-term plans are? I mean, she
can't clean the church hall toilets for the rest of her life can she?
And I must phone Aunt Kathleen, I keep putting it off. She'll go berserk
when she finds out what's happened."
Morris sipped his coffee. "Have faith in her, Jen. She's chosen this
path for herself. And as my dad always says, never put off until
tomorrow what can be done today. Right, I have to pop over to the
church. I'll check in on Mia and see if she's okay with setting the
alarm system. Don't know if she wants some lunch with us or if she has
plans of her own?"
Jenna picked up the phone. "She didn't say. Okay, I'm going to bite the bullet and phone Aunt Kathleen."
the church hall, Jenna had finished using the floor-polishing machine
on the wooden floor. The two hours had flown by. As well as making the
floor spotless after this morning's yoga class, she'd cleaned the
toilets and emptied the bins. The work was boring, as the vicar had
warned her, but an absolute doddle. For £12 an hour, she couldn't
complain. It was the easiest cash she'd ever earned. It was far better
than stacking shelves in Aldi and having to deal with abusive members of
the public. The church toilets hadn't been the horror show she'd braced
herself for - even the gents were reasonable. The good chaps of St
Michaels had good manners and good aim it would seem!
Outside, more thunder boomed. The sound of the rain. The rain. The cold merciless sound of the rain.
"Ugh," Mia muttered, looking out of the window. "I hate weather like this."
was typical British weather. The storm had washed all the color out of
the day. The sky was as charry as burnt-out ruins. Wind-driven rain,
grey as iron nails, hammered every surface, and road gutters overflowed
with filthy water.
Mia returned the machine to the store cupboard and locked it. She checked her phone. Nearly 1 o'clock.
The sound of the main door opening made her jump.
"Oh Reverend Simon!"
"Hello Mia. Just checking to see how you're getting on. Have you finished?"
"Yes, I'm done. I was just going to set the alarm thingy." She noticed how wet his black shirt was.
"Great stuff, you're okay with setting it?"
"Oh no worries there."
tip if you're working in the hall by yourself, be sure to lock the main
door. Anyone could walk in. We're lucky we don't get a lot of crime
round here, but for your own safety, it's best to lock yourself in.
There are lots of places someone could hide. Right, well I'm just
heading into the church to sort a few things out ready for the curate's
ordination on Sunday. Jenna's prepared some lunch if you're hungry, oh
and be warned, she's phoning your mum."
"What? Oh no! Why's she doing that?" Mia pouted.
don't panic, she's just letting her know that your safe and well and
staying with us. You don't want your poor parents to be worrying
themselves to death not knowing where you've gone do you?"
"Well no. But I don't want Mum turning up."
don't think you need to worry. Your mum lives in Buxton doesn't she?
That's a good fifty miles from here. I don't think she'll drive up here
today. But at some point you'll have to speak to her."
Mia looked down. "I like it here. I don't want to go back to my parents. Of course, I don't want to be a burden to you,”
no burden Mia, please don't think that. If you want to talk, why not
join me in the church when you've finished locking up?" He left the hall
and Mia took that as an open invitation.
"Oh I'll join you, Vicar, but I want to do more than talk!"
few minutes later, having successfully set the alarm, Mia dashed over
to the church, trying to avoid getting soaked by the rain. The ancient
oak door's handle turned stubbornly. She wondered why Reverend Morris
hadn't bothered to lock himself in either, then she remembered something
Jenna had said about the church "always having to be open for those in
And Mia was in need all right.
Morris was in the vestry, having just changed out of his damp shirt and
into a dry one. He'd donned his regular cassock and surplice, as he
always did when in the church, even though he was off duty. He inspected
the row of church vestments on the clothes rail. Some items were
missing. Some members of the choir weren't the tidiest, and often
neglected to hang their surplices back up after the services.
walked down the aisle of St Michael's church, glancing round. The
incessant pounding of rain on the roof seemed magnified here in this
old, airy building. Then the organ pipes to the right of the altar
caught her eye. The highly-polished silver colored pipes reflected what
little light was shining through the stained glass windows.
she muttered, admiring the many pipes. "But where are its, keyboards?
No wait, manuals. He called them manuals." She looked round, and noticed
the organ console behind the pulpit.
walked over to it. She ran her hand down the wooden stool. "So this is
where Gordy-pie sits." Giving a little mischievous giggle, she looked
round. There was no sign of Reverend Morris anywhere, so she slid
herself onto the stool.
at this thing. It's like, unreal. All these buttons and stuff It's like
a flight deck." Her feet touched the organ's pedalboard. "How the hell
does he remember all these? She looked closely at some of the stops.
They all had weird-sounding names on them. Diapason, Mixture, Gemshorn.
"I wonder what these knobs do?" She switched on the small lamp above the manuals, in order to get a better look.
got the better of her and she fiddled with a couple of stops and
pressed a few keys on the lower manual. Nothing happened, seeing as the
organ was switched off.
"Hmm, must be like an electronic piano." She idly pressed down several more keys, pretending to play.
the great maestro Mia at work," she said out loud, putting on a fake
Geordie accent to mimic presenters, Ant and Dec. "Here on Britain's Got
Talent, Mia will now play some of her favorite songs for the audience.
Starting with Titanium by David Guetta!" She flung her arms around, as
though conducting an orchestra, and accidentally hit the red on/off
button above the manuals.
"This is being live-streamed. Be sure to vote!" Mia slammed her fingers down hard on the middle manual. "I am Titanium!"
organ responded at once, with a deep, radiant sound that seemed to
rattle the entire foundations of the church. It was so loud, the stool
seemed to vibrate.
"Shit!!" Mia gasped as she got the shock of her life. Fearing she'd damaged the organ, she panicked and froze on the spot.
the vestry, Reverend Morris had finished re-arranging the vestments,
when the booming note from the organ shattered his peace and quiet.
"What the," He almost jumped out of his skin. "Bloody hell, Gordon. You sure pick your moments to come and practice."
When nothing but silence followed that ear-splitting note, he headed out of the vestry to investigate.
Mia's fingers were trembling. "Fuck, what did I do?"
"Well, well. What do we have here?" Reverend Morris chuckled as he appeared beside the console.
"Eep! I didn't mean to, Simon. I was just, I,”
"Ha, it's alright, don't panic!" He said.
"I caught something and it made that noise."
"You managed to switch it on, that's all!" He indicated the red button.
"Oh, so it's not broken then?" Mia said, getting her breath back.
"No, of course not. It's seen a lot of heavy use. It can cope with a lot!"
"It looks so complicated. How does Gordon play it?"
ease, because he's had years of practice. Jenna's just learned to play
it, and said how hard it was. No use asking me. I haven't a clue. I'm
not musically talented it all. In fact I'll tell you something. I can't
even read music."
"Really?" Mia replied.
hopeless," the vicar continued. "Jenna's tried to introduce me to the
piano, but I've got poor co-ordination. My fingers go all over the
place. My attempts sounded like Les Dawson."
Mia blinked. "Who?"
mind. He's from before your time." He pressed down a couple of the
organ's keys and made a feeble attempt at playing a few notes.
"Gordon says you have to use your whole body when playing a pipe organ." Mia said, giving him a dreamy grin.
"He's right, you do."
"Do you have to use your whole body when preaching to the congregation, Simon?"
well that depends," he said, switching off the organ and the lamp. "I
definitely have to keep my mind focused. Especially during the sermon."
"I can imagine. I bet you're amazing. I like your church robes."
thanks! It's called a cassock and surplice. Um, why not come to the
Sunday service if you're curious? You don't need to take communion if
you're not comfortable."
"I've been confirmed," Mia replied. "I'm okay with that."
the curate's ordination service on Sunday afternoon too. "That will be
quite a spectacle. The Bishop will be performing the ceremony. We're
expecting lots of people to attend. Afterwards there'll be a buffet in
the hall. Nice social occasion. There'll be more people your own age
Mia shrugged. "I'm not mad keen on people my own age," she said.
see. Well, Gordon will be there, so that's a reason to attend, surely?"
Reverend Morris cleared his throat. "You like him a lot, don't you?"
yes. He is lovely. He's really sexy! But you know what? You're sexy
too. I hope it's not a sin to compliment a vicar in church?"
The flustered reverend's cheeks turned pink. "Oh not at all! Very kind of you to say, Mia.
"Yes, very sexy,” she purred, and without hesitating, stood up and kissed him on the lips.
"M-Mia, what are you doing?" Reverend Morris spluttered, backing away.
ignored his question and slipped her arms round his shoulders. "I am
worshipping you, Reverend Simon. Like I said, I think you're really
"B-but, but, I am a married man!" He stammered.
breathed in the scent of his aftershave. "And? Jenna's a married woman,
yet she seems to have slept with half of the men of this church. And
you're like, okay with that?"
"Did Jenna tell you all this?" He gasped. This time, he made no attempt to free himself from her grasp.
"She didn't need to. I overheard."
"You shouldn't eavesdrop, Mia."
I know, but come on. Seriously? What kind of open marriage do you guys
have? Is that church rules or something? How can you be cool with that?"
Morris still made no attempt to move. "Well it's not like you think. I
love Jenna so much. I just fell for her big time. She had quite effect
on the men of this church when she first started attending, not just me.
I was trapped in a sexless marriage at the time. I er, thought the
first time we had sex, it was a wild one-off."
This explanation failed to satisfy Mia. "And Gordon?"
thing with Gordon, well before Jenna came along, he was a very unhappy,
angry man. She made him feel happier than he had been in years. And the
choir were beyond grateful for his change in personality, let me tell
see. So Jen just has this natural talent for seducing all these lonely
men and cheering them up? A gift from God? In that case, what I'm doing
isn't a sin then is it?"
She kissed the vicar again, longer and harder.
"Mia, wait!" He protested. "I can't,”
course you can, Reverend Simon. "You've been so kind to me, letting me
stay at the vicarage and getting me this job. It's time I repaid that
"Yes, but, I thought you liked Gordon!"
"I do like Gordon. I just like you too. Don't you find me attractive, just like you find Jenna attractive?"
He would've been lying if he'd said no, and his erection was already proof.
You're beautiful," Reverend Morris said, running a finger down her
cheek. "Such smooth skin,” Instinctively, he bent down and pressed his
lips against hers.
Mia unbuttoned her top, and guided his hands to her small and beautiful tits for him to squeeze and play with.
"Give me a blessing, Reverend," Mia whispered.
The vicar took her hand, led her into the vestry and quoted a passage from Numbers.
the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord's face shine upon you and
be gracious to you, may the Lord turn his face to you and bring you
"Amen," Mia said. After a brief silence, something seemed to snap in Reverend Morris, and he cast off his reluctance.
"Let me get your legs," he whispered, his voice quavering a bit with sexual tension.
from the knee down, to start. Then Mia felt his holy hands open and
slide up the back of her thighs, pushing her skirt up.
"Spread your legs a bit."
thumbs caressed her inner thigh, and came close, oh so close to her
pussy. She wasn't wearing any underwear and he bent down to smell her
sex. His thumbs tantalizingly close. Now his hands were on her arse.
Seductive massage, strokes, and squeezes nearly sent Mia over the edge.
She moaned.
"Oh yes," he breathed. "Praise the Lord,”
hands roamed across his surplice, and her eagerness surprised him.
"Hold on a sec," he said, removing the garment, and starting to unbutton
his cassock. When it was open, his black trousers were revealed, along
with a straining bulge. She squeezed his hard arse cheeks and pulled him
against her. His cock throbbed. Mia unfastened his belt and unzipped
his trousers. Seconds later, she pulled his boxer shorts down.
groaned when she took his hot cock into her warm hand, cupping his
balls with her other. His cock was thick and of decent length, though
not, she noted as big as Gordon's or Tom's. Gordon's was the biggest of
the lot. Mia couldn't help be a little disappointed, though of course
what one did with something was what counted, not the size.
wonder if this is why Jenna goes with all the other church guys,
because Reverend Simon just isn't enough to satisfy her? She thought.
"Mia, I can't hold back, do you want me to bless you properly or not?"
"Yes Reverend Simon, I want you to purify me! I need you to fuck me!"
wrapped her leg around him, opening up for his cock. He rubbed the head
of it on her clit. Reverend Morris was out of control now and she let
him take her how he wanted. He entered her and pounded her hard on the
vestry's small wooden table.
Mia rode his cock and enjoyed his thrusts, but, as good as it felt, the vicar wasn't satisfying her in the way Gordon had done.
How can this be? She thought, as her cousin's husband continued thrusting fast and hard into her, grunting as he did so.
must be because he's just not old enough for me, she mused. After all,
he's only forty! Still, I've achieved what I wanted to do. I wanted to
experience sex with a vicar, and a married one at that. And I've finally
got my own back on Jenna after all these years,
"Oh Mia I'm cumming!" Reverend Morris slammed into her for one last time and shot his load deep inside her.
Reverend Morris said, after he'd got his breath back. "I hope you
enjoyed that Mia. I certainly did, I can't believe I did that."
Mia was about to say something, but at that moment, the vestry door opened and Jenna appeared.
For a few moments there was nothing but stunned silence.
"Mia, why? Why Simon?"
"Now we're even, Jen," Mia said with a wink.
"Remember all those years ago when we were at primary school and I was in love with that older boy, Darren Grimshaw?"
"Er, what?"
"You knew how much I fancied him."
"Mia, you were only ten at the time. You had a bit of an innocent crush."
at the time it felt like true love. And you had to muscle in and ruin
it. He took you out to Burger King instead of asking me. I was so upset
at the time. I vowed that one day, I'd get my own back!"
yeah. I do remember you saying that, now I recall. So, this is your
idea of getting your own back, is it? Seducing my husband, in his
"Jen, you can't really complain. You've seduced half the men of this church!"
Reverend Morris looked sheepishly at them both. "Look, I didn't say anything, she overheard us talking!"
Jenna took a deep breath. "You're right, Mia. Guess I'm nothing but a hypocrite there. But where do we go from here?"
turned to Reverend Morris. "I've seen the light. And had a revelation.
And the truth is, vicars just don't float my boat after all. No offence,
Reverend Simon. You were really great. But, you're too young for me.
Give me a gorgeous older organist any day! I've already found my perfect
man and his name is Gordon!"
"Lucky Gordon," Jenna said at last.
I want you to promise me one thing. I'll never lay a finger on your
vicar again, if you'll promise not to get it on with Gordon again."
Jenna's face suddenly fell. "What?"
Morris nodded. "Fair's fair, Jen. And you don't need any more organ
lessons - you can play the organ perfectly fine now."
thought for a moment, remembering all the fun times she'd had with
Gordon - they'd engaged in some fantastic sex over the past year, and at
Easter, she'd got the impression his feelings were becoming stronger
than just mere lust.
"Okay, I promise."
"Make it a proper promise. We're in church, remember?"
"In the name of God, I promise," Jenna said.
"That's better."
now that we've got that out of the way, how about we all go and have
some lunch?" Reverend Morris said, fastening his trousers and belt.
"I've worked up quite an appetite!"
Jenna shook her head as she watched Mia head down the church aisle in front of them.
"Is she seriously going to ask Gordon to be her boyfriend? He's so much older than her."
"Just like I am to you," Reverend Morris replied.
but it's double the age gap that we have. What if Mia wants kids ten
years from now? Gordon will be in his mid-sixties! He doesn't have any
kids of his own. Can you see him being a dad?"
"I think he'd be a great dad. You're assuming Mia will want to be a mum. Lots of women choose not to have children these days."
"Guess you're right."
it great, all the people of our church and nearby churches have met
someone? I've got you, Josh has hooked up with Yulia. Father Aiden has
Róisín. Norman's moved in with Gladys, now there's an odd couple, but
they're happy! My ex-wife Lucy married Debbie. Gordon's got your cousin,
before you arrived, all these people were unhappy. I'd say your work is
done, my love!"
They walked down the aisle, hand in hand.
Privately, however, Jenna smirked to herself.
"My work isn't fully done. At least I still have Bishop George, Gordon's cousin Barry, Mayor Buckingham and a few other chaps!"
By Blacksheep, for Literotica.