Join Kylee and Bev as we navigate the Bachelorette Season 17 and everything Katie. We have been watching "The Roses" since Kylee was 2 years old and she began to say, "Let's watch the roses, Mommy" and we have never stopped. The Bachelor, Bachelorette, and Bachelor in Paradise is like the Super Bowl for our family of three daughters. We do a brackets, determine who will go all the the final, not in the Fantasy Suite, and make every Monday night a reason to bring out a charcuterie board.
You can reach us on Instagram @thesteeleroses
Kylee is a Senior at the University of California Berkeley
Bev is in Corporate America, and Founder of the Bitches Be Brave Podcast, @bitchesbebrave,in support of working moms. #bachelor #bachelorette #romance #engaged #wedding