On this episode of STEM Essential, host and director of the Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory Council Jeff Weld sits down with Valerie Newhouse, president of Iowa Lakes Community College. She is a founding member of the STEM Council and and advocate for STEM at Iowa Lakes and beyond.
2:15 President Newhouse talks about her path toward education and how Iowa Lakes Community College was a leader in the STEM movement.
7:02 President Newhouse discusses the STEM regions across the state and how they've helped establish a strong program. Iowa Lakes Community College is the northwest STEM hub.
8:20 President Newhouse examines how regional hubs have helped create a STEM movement for all Iowans.
10:15 President Newhouse discusses the challenges the Council faced at the very beginning and how they were overcome.
12:48 President Newhouse talks about the application process to become the northwest hub for the STEM Council. She details the hopes and the fears she and her colleagues had.
15:19 President Newhouse talks through how Iowa Lakes worked with other organizations who also applied for the hub spot. Collaboration helped create an outstanding environment where everyone could participate.
17:15 President Newhouse examines how the regional committee has helped involve others in the movement.
18:50 President Newhouse talks about how the current work of the Council stacks up to her expectations at the very beginning of the Council.
20:40 Jeff Weld and President Newhouse talk about the supporters who have made the movement possible.
20:15 President Newhouse thinks about what she would change about the STEM Council if she could go back to the very beginning.
23:08 Jeff Weld and President Newhouse discuss the incredible efforts of STEM regional managers and all they do.
25:27 President Newhouse provides her thoughts on the challenges and opportunities ahead for the STEM movement. Workforce development is both the largest challenge and opportunity she sees on the horizon.
28:38 President Newhouse examines how STEM can help in the rapidly changing educational environment.
30:18 President Newhouse talks about how STEM and Future Ready Iowa work together in the education system to show students all the career paths available to them.
31:46 President Newhouse shares her main message in STEM. STEM education is essential for every student and for the future of the state.