STEMxm Episode 23 - Atmospheric Physics with Dr. Joanna Haigh This is the 2nd episode in a series touching on climate change careers and research. Check out the others here: Episode 24 - Theoretical Ecology with Dr. Emily Moberg Episode 25 - Impact of Human Activity on Coral Reefs with Dr. Jessica Carilli Dr. Joanna Haigh has been Co-Director of the Grantham Institute at Imperial College since 2014. For the previous 5 years she was Head of the Department of Physics. Joanna's scientific interests include radiative transfer in the atmosphere, climate modelling, radiative forcing of climate change and the influence of solar irradiance variability on climate. She has published widely on these topics in the scientific literature and also contributed to numerous items to the written and broadcast popular media. She has been President of the Royal Meteorological Society, Editor of Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society and of the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, a Lead Author on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and acted on many UK and international panels. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society, the Institute of Physics, the City & Guilds and the Royal Meteorological Society and an Honorary Fellow of Somerville College Oxford. She was awarded the Institute of Physics Charles Chree Medal and Prize 2004, the Royal Meteorological Society Adrian Gill Prize 2010 and appointed CBE in the 2013 New Years Honours. Articles featuring Dr. Haigh
- British scientist face a 'huge hit' if the US cuts climate change research
- Scientist warns global warming is a run away train
Discussion Topics:
- Meteorology
- Electromagnetic versus ionizing radiation
- Atmospheric heating, cause of winds
- Stratospheric ozone
- Ozone hole
- Gas phase chemistry versus chemistry on clouds
- Fourier Transforms
- Guy Stewart Callendar - attributed to positing how CO2 can increase earth's temperature
- Atmospheric lives of greenhouse gases
- CO2, Methane, Nitrous Oxides, Flourocarbons
- The Montreal Protocol
- Paris Conference 2015
- At the time of this episode's release, this is something the current US administration is considering reneging on. If you feel strongly that it is also our duty to join other nations in taking steps to curtail climate change impacts, you should speak up to your local legislators (Senators, House Representatives) immediately.
- Heat waves in Russia
- Sun spots
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