Create If Writing

098 - Stop Buying Courses

04.17.2017 - By Kirsten OliphantPlay

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A few weeks back I told you to stop creating content. Now I'm telling you to stop buying courses. What gives? Keep reading! Or listen to this latest episode. Listen to Episode 98- Stop Buying Courses   Thanks to our sponsor: AmbitionAlly, the creators of PopUpAlly Pro! I use and LOVE this plugin. Check it out HERE. Confession: I'm a course junkie. Not even just a course junkie, but a resource junkie. I love to learn and I love to buy resources that help me learn. These days that's mostly courses. I LOVE courses. So why am I telling you to stop buying courses? First, for context, you should check out my post about why you should stop creating content. The main point there is the same main point here: Be a good steward of what you HAVE. Whether you are creating or buying more, first take care of what you've got. So...if you're a course junkie like me, what do you do? How can you be a good steward with the courses or information sources you have? Stop Buying Courses...and DO THIS 1.Make a List. Whether you are a spreadsheet person or something else, you need to make a list of the things you've purchased. Am I the only one who has bought a course and then FORGOTTEN I BOUGHT THE COURSE? Yep. Done that. So keep a running list in a Google doc or somewhere of what you own. Don't waste your money! Track it. 2. Make a Plan. There are two parts to this. The first is that you need to think about what gives you the most ROI. (That's return on investment.) What will bring you cash or benefit first? Consider what course might bring you a return for the time or money invested first. The second part is that you may need to go in order. If you want to make money with Facebook ads, you need to drive them to something. So you might need to take the course that helps you to create a product that you'll sell through webinars through Facebook ads, you'll need to first take the course on courses, then the course on webinars, then the course on Facebook ads. Make sense? First, plan around ROI. But within that, you'll need to plan in the order of how the pieces fit together. The actionable part of this is that you need to plot this out on a calendar. Make an actionable plan to complete the courses & resources so that you have the space to apply it. 3. STOP BUYING COURSES. Once you have your list and have your plan, do not invest in any more resources. Yup. Stop buying courses until you've complete the plan and the list. The caveat, of course, being if you find a really great deal that will expire. But you should ask these questions: Do you NEED it? Can you FINISH it? Will you have time to APPLY it? Ask those questions before you invest in any new resource or even tool. (Because often tools take time to learn and set up.) On then should you ignore the advice to stop buying courses.  With all this in mind, I DO hope that you'll sign up for the Profitable Blogging Summit. It's not a course, but it's a summit with 30 + actionable sessions that can act as a course in terms of training and information. So why would I tell you to stop buying courses and invest your time in the summit?  I ask you this because you can go in with a plan. You can apply the three pieces of advice I gave you in a smaller sense with investments you make. Make a list of the schedule. Make a plan of what sessions you'll watch. And take some time off during the summit week to invest your time in the summit.  I recommend this not just because I'm biased as one of the hosts. But because it was so hard NOT to take notes during these interviews. That's how actionable the sessions are. I plan to watch them again and to watch the ones that I didn't record. This is GOOD STUFF.  So despite my advice to stop buying courses, you should invest your time and money in the things that move you forward. I really do think that the Profitable Blogging Summit will do that!

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