My fearless listeners, since the pandemic started, we’ve all faced loss in one way or the other. It was a time when all we heard on the news was about the pandemic. I always thought to myself, I would never want to catch this sickness going around. Of course, one day things took a turn for the worse when I became sick and tested positive for COVID. What made matters worse is that I unknowingly spread my sickness to my husband and son. My heart broke into pieces. But, my fearless listeners, wherever you are right now, I invite you to join me on a journey as I share my story about facing COVID head first and overcoming the aftermath. Whether you can relate or not to my story, please share with me your journey with overcoming COVID and dealing with the aftermath. As always, I am your host, DiamondLove. My prayers goes out to all who’ve faced loss and sickness. Just know that it is at this point that the Lord is carrying you through this unprecedented time… Welcome.