Demon: a word that invokes many different reactions. Turn off the lights, grab your protective amulets, and listen to these true stories from real people who have been the unfortunate witness to horrifying inhuman entities.
Ch 1 - You're mine now, subimtted by Cheyenne. The time someone messed around with a Ouija board and welcomed in a taunting entity.
Ch 2 - What did you summon? Aaron Sagers tells us of the demon his brother summoned in his childhood home that led to a string of bizarre incidents.
Ch 3 - My brother's demon, submitted by KS. Someone is concerned about the dark entity following their brother.
Ch 4 - Scratched. Pythian Priestess tells us the experience that caused her to quit her job as a ghost tour guide.
Aaron Sagers
Learn about magick: The Occult Unveiled
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