In this episode of Story2Satori we have Mark Metry who hosts Humans 2.0 podcast and is the author the book "Screw Being Shy - How To Manage Social Anxiety And Be Yourself In Front Of Anyone" He is a TEDx keynote speaker ,entrepreneur and and a very down to earth being. His podcast hit #96 of the top podcasts in the entire world among with the likes of Tim Ferris,Gary Vaynerchuk and Lewis Howes . He was very shy in childhood and realized the Story he was telling himself didn't change so he changed his habits and became his Version 2 .He is now helping Funded StartUps and Founders to sustainably start grow and brand build their way through the competition.More than anything else Mark Metry is 22 years old and has achieved in material world he is now helping humanity to become their best version through sharing his knowledge,skills and wisdom. In this Story2Satori episode we discuss his life and book launched on 14th March 2020