Let’s talk Astro-logic, a cosmic language of relationships… what gives the educated astrologer the capacity to make predictions?
And how is it that a coin, a nation, or even a relationship—(this particular focus of astrology known as the composite merges any couple's 2 charts-- like 2 individuals--into one union)—can be charted?
The answer comes down to the Astro logos whereby, we see that the sun and moon represent the basic rhythms of life.
Mercury represents focus, the market, current beliefs.
Mars is the surge factor that can bring good timing or the revere depending on aspects it makes to other entities within the chart, a/k/a blueprint OF the moment.
Jupiter shows growth and is the main signature of prosperity.
Venus, itself, governs money, banking, and things of inherent worth.
Saturn shows slow growth (if positively aspected) OR obstacles to growth if under difficult aspects (that is, in relation to other planets).
Uranus is the surprise element and planet most linked to Naomi Klein's concept of "The Shock Doctrine."
Neptune refers to imagination (one fish) or deception/fraud (the other fish).
Pluto signifies power and things of a covert nature which includes underground activities, the dark web, and spycraft, in general.
This podcast explores the emerging new financial paradigm for the Aquarian Age known as Cryptocurrencies and analyzes 5 current blockchain projects to show the power of The Composite Chart read.
Sioux offers private astrological analyses and can be contacted at: Sioux Rose studied astrology in London in the 1970’s and, went on to pen horoscopes for local (San Juan, Puerto Rico, Key West, Florida), national (Lears, Seventeen) and international (Singapore) publications. Her articles and columns have been in print for four decades. Sioux hosted one of America’s rare weekly television programs—Astrology and the Divine Order—devoted to this significant, yet overlooked subject. Ms. Rose co-authored the book, Starmates published by Simon & Shuster, and Pluto: The Alchemy of Fusion published by The American Federation of Astrologers. Sioux has self-published in-depth studies on the lunar cycle (Moon Dance: The Feminine Dimensions of Time) and Neptune: Final Phase of the Piscean Age.