The Whole Stepfamily

Stranger In The Mirror To Confident, Bonded Stepmom [Case Study with Anne Gatchell Greenstreet]

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Has there ever been a time along your stepmom journey where you’ve found yourself looking in the mirror and having no idea who the heck the person was who was staring back at you?

The fact of the matter is that, when you become a stepmom, it usually involves entirely redefining your identity. No matter how prepared you think you are, no matter how supportive your spouse is, and no matter how easy your stepfamily dynamics might be, the simple truth is that everything changes once you step into this role.

In our Case Study of the Week, you’ll hear about the powerful transformation that our Stepmom Story Member, Anne Gatchell Greenstreet, went through as she did the work necessary to define her new role as a stepmom of two.

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The Whole StepfamilyBy Brittany Lynch

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