The interim results for the street tree survey were presented during the September 16th free online training session. The recorded session is now available as a video here. For those who missed it, or those who would like a refresher.
The general overview of this survey is to asses the crown dieback, overall condition, and potential damage of street trees, old and newly planted. This will determine we can proceed with planting new species suitable for the warming climate. We will do this by increasing canopy cover in priority wards around Birmingham, and improving the upkeep of our street trees. Based on an American model, TreePlotter analysis is used to record the findings.
Interim Results
Our interim results, despite 69.5% of the surveyed trees being in good condition, were 7.4% poor and 2.5% dead. Additionally, only 18.2% were fair. This means there will be many solutions to raise the percentage of good and fair condition trees. Most of the trees have date and time reference for planting; we can track the timing of the damage.
Noticeably, forest trees like beeches are favoured, and trees from predominantly the rose family, like cherries. The problem is, these are susceptible to bacterial canker. Additionally, liquidambars appear frequently, although not native, and are thriving on our roads due to heat islands.
Root problems, loose trees, soil size, staking, vandalism, species selection, and low to no mulching (87.7%!) are all contributing factors to the failure of the trees in certain locations. Our model is based on a US study, finding that most of the trees died in poorer areas of the cities.
That’s why BTP are working on ‘red wards‘ or priority wards. These are areas that suffer from low income, and therefore low tree equity.
Additional Information
Training sessions take place online, on the third Saturday of the month from 10am-12pm. Reminders circulate by using the mailing list for volunteers.To join or try one of our regular free training sessions, please contact us or email us at: [email protected]
Report broken trees to Kier, or vandalised trees to the Council or local police.