This Stress-Free JD Interview with Elliot Glicksman, an attorney with a practice in Tucson, Arizona. In this episode, Elliot talks about the evolution of his career over time and shares how he practiced in many areas before finding what he really loved to do. His tips include disconnecting, avoiding procrastination, being prepared, and having a distinct demarcation outside interests, family, friends, both in and outside of the law.
ABA Task Force Report on Wellbeing
Tucson Jazz Festival January 20, 2020 Downtown Tucson. It’s a great event. I have gone before. Downtown JazFiesta on January 20, 2020
Elliot’s Law Firm
Homicide Survivors since he talked about his work there, if you want to donate, it is a really great cause.
If you have ideas for people you think I should interview, or topics I should discuss, I would love that. I have already received some great ideas and constructive criticism, which I am grateful for. If you want to know how to reach me-- You can leave a podcast voice note, you can send me an email-- [email protected], I am stressfreejd on Instagram, I have a facebook page, I am stressfreejd on twitter. I am Amanda Bynum on Linkedin, and I would love to connect with you. I hoped you enjoyed this podcast, join me next time for an episode about creativity as self-care.