How to prepare for the famous job interview? In this episode, with our guest Aurélie Secretan, career counselor at the EPFL Career Center, we are trying to demystify this essential step on your way to the working world with her applicable advice and concrete examples.
As students ourselves, we are as curious as you are about this subject! Here are the questions we asked Aurélie:
How to prepare for a job interview?
What are the typical questions asked during a job interview and what would be a good or a bad answer? - (faire un fichier à part pour celle-là)
How to behave in a job interview?
How to promote yourself without overdoing it?Ressources in this episode:
Marianne Schmid Mast (Dean of HEC Lausanne and Full Professor of Organizational Behavior) : Entretien d'embauche: conseils de gestuelle - Bing video
Bertrand Périer (Avocat au Conseil d'Etat et à la Cour de cassation et Spécialiste en Public Speaking) : Le tuto de Bertrand Périer : Réussir un entretien d'embauche - Bing video
Kourilsky, Françoise : « Se réjouir, s'apaiser, réussir », InterEditions, 2010, (Françoise Kourilsky has a PhD in Psychology, Sciences Po graduate).