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This is going to be a reoccurring title that I'll record that'll always touch base with the random thoughts that happen to cross my mind on that particular day. I apologize in advanced lol
Ekkk sticky subject but likkkeeeeeee let's talk about it anyway shall we?
Hits close to home tried to be as detached as possible when recording it lol but yea let's talk about it.
The title pretty much sums it up lol. Let's talk about the "rules" girls low key follow when it comes to dating & how I suck at following them.
For any ladies that can relate, this one's for you!
Let's touch base quickly on this subject. Because yes Black Lives Matter!
Yes I've done this. Yes this eppie explains that story.
An embarrassing tale of a younger and dumber me getting Catfished!
Let's talk a bit about breakups and why they suck shall we...?
The podcast currently has 17 episodes available.