Today's episode is on hiccups. The longest bout of hiccups lasted for 68 years from 1983 to 1991. We didn't have the medicine then to handle it then but we have it now. But we still have to rely on traditional methods to fix a 20 minute bout of hiccups. Why can we fix chronic hiccups but not a random bout of hiccups, what causes it and what is the best method for fixing it.
So what causes a hiccup? Most people would say eating too fast or drinking carbonated drinks but most people don't know it is the diaphragm that causes a hiccup. It is the muscle between your abdomen and lungs that play an important role in breathing. A sudden contraction of the diaphragm causes a sudden close of the vocal cords making the classic hic sound. Hiccups can also be symptoms for an underlying disease so if you have had hiccups fro more than 48 hours visit a doctor.Some illnesses for which continuing hiccups may be a symptom include: pleurisy of the diaphragm, pneumonia, uremia, alcoholism, disorders of the stomach or esophagus, and bowel diseases. Hiccups may also be associated with pancreatitis, pregnancy, bladder irritation, liver cancer or hepatitis.
Chronic hiccups can last for years in some people and are usually a sign of a medical issue. They can also cause health issues themselves.
You may experience exhaustion when they keep you awake most nights. Chronic hiccups can also lead to severe weight loss because they can affect your appetite or desire to eat.
Chronic hiccups are very rare, but they tend to happen more often in men than in women. Other people who may have a higher risk of getting chronic hiccups include those who:
have recently undergone general anesthesia
experience anxiety or other mental health issues
have had surgery in the area of the abdomen
have illnesses of the liver, bowel, stomach, or diaphragm
are pregnant
have cancer
drink alcohol excessively
have a nervous system disorder
Some medications can help in chronic hiccups like chlorpromazine(what is it for), valproic acid, or metoclopramide (what is it for). But what about your classic non chronic hiccups which you're struggling with right now, well there are lots of home treatments you can find all over the internet: like drinking water, standing upside down, scaring them, holding your breath. My personal favourite is holding my breath, It works for me every time. So next time your frustrated that you have had a long bout of hiccups for 30 minutes remember that there is someone out there who probably has been hiccuping for days, maybe even months. Music: vodovoz music production Play share with your friends if you enjoyed today's episode and subscribe.