Set Title:
Ogonek 23 - Skol Cult - Let's Burn Something Here!
Welcome to an exhilarating journey into the world of Breakbeat music! Immerse yourself in the energy and dynamism of every track in this unique set, blending elements of Funky Breaks and Nu Skool Breaks. The combination of powerful basslines, captivating synthesizers, and diverse rhythms creates a unique atmosphere that will provide you with an unforgettable musical experience.
This set is saturated with a variety of sounds and transitions, taking you from deep emotions to dancefloor ecstasy. From standout moments with distinctive breaks to harmonious transitions, each track is carefully selected to craft a distinctive musical landscape.
Style and Influences:
Reflecting the modern face of Breakbeat music, embodying influences from Hip-Hop, Funk, and Rave. Listen and enjoy the unique blend of classic elements and contemporary sounds.
Technical Specifications:
BPM Range: 130-150
Duration: Approximately 90 minutes
Instruments: Breaks, Synthesizers, Turntables, Samplers
#Breakbeat #Electronic #FunkyBreaks #NuSkoolBreaks #DJMix #SoundCloud #UndergroundMusic #Ogonek23 #SkolCult #LetsBurnSomethingHere
Thank you for your support, and enjoy the music with us! 🎧✨