In this thought-provoking episode of Submerge Life, we embark on a journey of faith, patience, and life choices with my guest, Pastor
Jackie. Join us as she shares her unique perspective on listening to the voice of God, the challenges of waiting for marriage later in life, and the dynamic experience of being a woman pastor.
"Swipe Right" explores the intersection of faith and personal decisions, delving into Jackie's profound insights on aligning one's life choices with the guidance of the divine. Hear her heartfelt reflections on the
joys and struggles of waiting for the right partner, offering
encouragement to those who find themselves on a similar path.
As a woman pastor, Jackie provides a glimpse into the nuances of her role, discussing the triumphs and tribulations she's faced in a
traditionally male-dominated field. Her story is a testament to
perseverance, breaking barriers, and finding strength in spirituality.
Tune in to Submerge Life for a captivating conversation that touches on the divine guidance that shapes our lives, the complexities of waiting for love, and the empowering journey of being a woman in a leadership role within the spiritual community. Pastor Jackie's wisdom will undoubtedly leave you inspired and contemplative.