Join me today with Lyan van der Meulen. She has been for a long time my biodanza teacher, she does this work with so much grace and joy.
Listen to her vision on personal and spiritual development.
Lyan says:
The essence of all my work turns out to contain the same elements again and again. Expression, personal development, connection and communication.
How can you make sure that you enjoy what you are doing. How can you enjoy who you are and what you do as much as possible. How can you live from your own values, dreams and desires. How can you be happy with yourself and your life. How to feel fulfilled by loving the connection to yourself and the world around you.
How to make sure you don't get stuck on the couch, but keep dancing in the playing field.
That's what I want to contribute to.
Lyan's book is currently in the publishing phase. Provisional title 'Voel!
Info about biodanza on
You can follow Lyan on instagram
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