Episode #014 hosted by Kyle Mauch, with special guests, barrel racer, Amberley Snyder (Netflix's Movie; "Walk. Ride. Rodeo." is based on her story), and her brother, pro baseball player Taylor Snyder.
We discuss Amberley's story of her accident that lead to paralysis, and how she came to continue to barrel race after the accident, as well as Taylor's road the Major Leagues. Other topics include battling adversity and doubt, ways to celebrate wins, importance of support, and more.
The siblings recently launched a shirt (it says Make it Count) at AthletesBrand.com raising money for Keeper of the Game.
This podcast was inspired by Lewis Howes School of Greatness, Cameron Hanes Keep Hammering, The Gary V Show by Gary Vaynerchuk, and The Tim Ferriss Experiment.
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