Okay, Success Chargers. You're different. You see opportunity where others only see roadblocks, but let's be honest about this one.
What is wrong with simply having a "hobby". Why does EVERYBODY seem to think they have to be "hustlin" or "grindin". When really, so many of those same people, are just...well...."Strugglin".
Dan Pink's book, Free Agent Nation, rocked my world when I read it nearly 10 years ago. In the text, he explains how the world is basically shifting from what we think of as a traditional employment world, to a "gig economy" world (I'm pretty sure "gig economy" is a newer term, but you get it, right?)
There's only one problem. Too many of the very companies who would prefer to pay for talent ONLY when they REALLY NEED IT, have build vast systems to support a "traditional business model" and they often find themselves ill-equipped to actually execute on a plan that the "gigsters" would LOVE.... Being able to work on projects as a free-agent on an "as-needed" basis with enough frequency to be able to effectively blend work with the lifestyle they prefer.
I think we're on our way to seeing Pink's reality, it's just taking longer than many people would like. Leaving many with a strong DESIRE to be a free agent stuck in a purgatory between what they really want and the harsh realities of the ever-expanding cost of living. (Television used to only cost the price of the TV itself, you know....and it wasn't that long ago. Now....$200+ month is not uncommon just for the "content".)
So this week, we beg the question, "Do you REALLY have a side hustle, or is that stuff you work on after work just a "hobby"....and by the way, there is NOTHING wrong with having a good ol' fashioned hobby.
Sound off at our FB page www.FaceBook.com/SuccessChargerPodcast or drop us a quick note at [email protected] and let us know.
Does your side hustle make money? Do you actually do anything for fun anymore, or are you trying to "monetize" EVERYTHING you do? Or, are you a hipster who still goes to coffee shops for the **gasp** actual coffee?