Will Rouhani talks to Career Counselor Joy Horgan about how to find the best scholarships.
[MELLOW MUSIC] WILL ROUHANI: Welcome to this episode of EagleAir Podcasts. I'm your host, Will Rouhani. In this episode, we will be discussing scholarships and the benefits they give students. As graduation comes closer every day students begin to wonder what they want to do after school, college, workforce and military all come to mind. One aspect most think of but don't fully understand are scholarships.
Scholarships are funds from either schools, the government, or other organizations that donate money to a student that doesn't need a payback. People typically think that scholarships are mostly for sports, such as football and basketball, in reality scholarships can come from multiple places. Joy Horgan, college and career counselor at Nixa High, gives us some ideas as to where to find them in both the school and workplace.
JOY HORGAN: So a lot of kids will go directly to the colleges that they're applying to, that's really the best place to start. Colleges have merit scholarships that they give to everybody that's based on ACT, GPA, or they have competitive scholarships, those are more like what you said your sports basketball, football. They even have some for academics where if you have a high GPA, high ACT score, you can go in and do an additional essay or be invited for an interview.
So your competitive scholarships within the colleges that you're interested in are a really good place to start looking for that extra money. So Missouri has a scholarship fund that you could go to and put in your demographic information, and then they will match you with scholarships that you meet the requirements for.
So it's one kind of big database for the state of Missouri, and then scholarships that come from the Community Foundation of the Ozarks or the different foundations located throughout the state will advertise their scholarships there. So if you're not a super strong student you need to start looking there too.
Scholarships mostly are just for college based, however, a lot of our manufacturing companies in the area once you start working there they will do tuition reimbursement for you. So it's not necessarily a scholarship, you are working for them and then they will cover the cost of your college.
WILL ROUHANI: All right. That's it for this episode of the EagleAir Podcasts. Be sure to check out the next journalism website for more content. For Eagle Podcasts, this is Will Rouhani.