HEY GUYS! Just a heads up, the audio is a little wonky for the first four minutes or so, turn down the volume for the first few minutes. So sorry about that, all the editing couldn't fix that mistake. It normalizes after the four minute mark.
So glad to have you back! Sorry I was gone last week, holiday weekend and what not.
- I will be changing up the show schedule, I know not the best idea. I will be doing a show every two weeks. Having amazing content is my top priority, spacing out the episodes is how that is going to happen.
- In episode 111 I mentioned how Sunday Promise is offering our services to couples in Cincinnati on us. I changed that up a bit. It is less of a contest and more of if we are a match, then I want to offer my team and I for your wedding day. Head on over to the website and fill out the quick form.
- Having a rehearsal I believe is hugely important to have, your ceremony will run much smoother if everyone knows where they need to go!
Links mentioned
- Win our wedding management services
Get in touch
- Email: [email protected]
- Facebook: @sundaypromsiewed
-Insta: @sundaypromisewed
- Remember to use the #sundaypromise
- If you have a question or pain point with wedding planning drop me an email and I will answer on the podcast!
Thanks for listening!
Happy planning