Enna Reittort is defined as an anthropologist, author, linguist and her self definition, a peasant, which to her means "simply connected to the land". This juicy, fat, substantial conversation is a sharing of Enna's book and our aligned views.
Here's a little snapshot of some of what Enna and I cover in this episode:
+ Comtemplative -v- meditation
+ Her book "Krivda" - The Godtrix Against the Matrix". George was the spark that ignited this book. (for more book information, scroll to the bottom on this page)
+ "the crooked truth" of the Gods - the artificial Gods
+ The Matrix - true meaning and twist
+ The poisoning of Mother Earth
+ The Godtrix - God of the religions
+ Natural and un-natural Esoteric
+ Modern medicine on children
+ Woo and critical thinking
+ God of Money: Debt invention, original sin and money
+ Currency reality -v- mimicked money version
+ Official version and reworked version of the bible
+ Inaccurate history and loss of heritage
+ Original co-creative partnership with Earth and the memory of that
+ What humans emanate or project energetically and the roll of trees
+ Bridging ancient knowledge and present day
+ India domain and their Gods/Goddesses
+ Inter-dimensional Beings in tribes
+ Ancient patterns and deities
+ Cosmic unity - masculine with the feminine primordial principles
+ Duality of male and female in ancient cultures
+ A Jesus story & correlations
+ The trick and power of "Krivda"
+ Irony and contradiction of religions
+ Enna's book - the why and the woo from anthropology perspective
+ Technological Intelligence (TI) God - deeply imbedded now
+ Next phase in reality 2023-2025
+ Next decade - humanity and relationship with the Gods
+ The Cosmic game being played here
+ Re-evaluating our relationship with Mother Earth
+ The roller coaster to come
+ Enna's closing message - "a gold nugget"
+ The dance between the masculine and the feminine - an opening to another Super Woo Radio episode.
I trust you will injoy this episode of Super Woo Radio, and please share with your friends and family who you think will also appreciate and benefit from hearing this information. I no longer rely on social media channels, as I chose to no longer engage those eco systems a few years ago now, so your shares truly mean a lot to me and my work. Heartfelt thanks & gratitude.
In Love Liberation and Fortitude, 1George
Special Guest: Enna Reittort
Recorded: February 2022
Running Time: 2hrs 42mins
Enna has written a Book “Krivda - The Godtrix Against the Matrix”.
Krivda is Russian for 'the lie' but traditionally means the crooked truth. This book is juicy, fat and substantial. It is for those who seek a deeper understanding of how we arrived to this point through immense trials and tribulations, and a clear sense of human truth that the challenge irrevocably requires us to recover.
Enna’s website - www.ennareittortbooks.com
Here you can learn more about Enna, her book and how to purchase it, podcasts, connect and subscribe.
Super Woo Radio is also on www.ourjourneyhome.earth, Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts