In this interview / conversation, Greg known as Mr uprising 144k hydrogen man
speaks adeptly about hydrogen, his experience and much much more,
This is both equally deeply emotive as it is Objective and analytical.
This man (Greg) is a human smorgasbord / encyclopedia of knowledge pertaining to the topic of hydrogen namely molecular hydrogen.
Greg discloses to us as he has on his channel previously not only his own deeply profound healing experience but that of those dearest to him.
Gregs gifts us with describing the benefic attributes and effects of hydrogen in such a well articulated manner that is both captivating & equally educational.
Yign does not fully agree with him about his findings on ionized water and electrolysis as of yet upon this first conversation as he is a distribution agent for the machinery that creates ionized water
That unbeknownst to him prior to this connection, holding the idea that ionized water is in fact beneficial as per his own studies surrounding the topic
as he believes research is still need to be taken into consideration around the clinical terms of ionized water
(electrolyzed reduced water & ionized water)
Which can be searched on both pubmed & google scholar.
yign will still have to continue to do his own independent research to fully build comprehension of such.
Hitherto yign was unaware of some of the points Greg made about kangen water specifically ionized water.
Greg speaks very succintly about why hydrogen and even more precisely why PROPERLY created hydrogen is so imperative for the miraculous (too good to be true) effects to correctly impact the consumer with.
whether the machine yign has ( level uk k8 ) and water it produces fully lives up to it standards long term is unclear to yign at this point, even though this was already outlined to him from greg and even more so.
Albeit, one thing that Greg has made evident is that for a 3 month period of the functioning of kangen water machines they do in fact show the ability to create molecular hydrogen.
One thing both Greg and Yign completely agree upon is that properly produced hydrogen / molecular hydrogen is in fact
"The Real Deal" and has shown to profoundly impact not only himself and his loved ones but other people in such awe inspiring miraculous ways.
Please See Gregs Channel: