Aired on friskyRadio 11/3/17. Tune in to a new SUR show every first Friday of the month at 1. Robosonic - Drowning feat. Son Little (Djuma Soundsystem Remix) - Get Physical Music
2. Wander Sa - Ain't Goin Down - Back2Basics
3. Habanera - Distancia - Big Mama's House Records
4.Merca - Back to Cali (Alex Roque Rework) - Re:vibe Music
5. Master Fale & Mavhungu Muenda - Ngiyekeleni (Main Mix) - 4 Bits House Music
6. Nils Hoffmann - Moon Water - Poesie Musik
7. Vanilla Ace - Get It On (Saison Remix) - Blockhead Recordings
Yoram - Mudita - Variety Music
8. Beat Ballistick - Deeper - 78 Decibel Music
9. Approaching Black - At Just the Right Time - EDM Comps
Marsh - Me & You - Silk Music
10. Jacob Seville - In and Out (Chill Version) - Honey Drops