As is usually the tradition this last episode of 2024 features some of our favourite releases from the year at the exit. We hope you'll enjoy this nearly double length presentation and join again as we usher in 2025
Old Saw - Dissection Maps (Worried Songs)
Raoul Eden - Anima (Scissor Tail)
Hania Rani - Nostalgia (Gondwana)
Pefkin - The Rescoring (Nite Hive)
Erik K Skodvin - Afterwar (Miasmah)
Earthen Sea - Recollection (Kranky)
Zelienople - Everything is Simple (Shelter Press)
Danny Paul Grody Duo - Arc of Night (Three Lobed)
Tomotsugu Nakamura - Stay in Solitude (Teinei)
Mark Templeton - Two Verses (Faitiche)
Noémi Büchi - Does it Still Matter (~OUS)
claire rousay - sentiment (Thrill Jockey)
Oren Ambarchi / Johan Berthling / Andreas Werliin - Ghosted II (Drag City)
Martha Skye Murphy - Um (AD93)
Suso Sáiz - Distorted Clamor (Music from Memory)
Black Decelerant - Reflections Vol. 2: Black Decelerant (RVNG Intl)
Li Yilei - Nonage (Métron Records)
KRM & KMRU - Disconnect (Phantom Limb)
Seaworthy & Matt Rösner - Deep Valley (12k)
Loren Connors & David Grubbs - Evening Air (Room40)
Félicia Atkinson - Space as an Instrument (Shelter Press)
A Lily - Saru I-Qamar (Phantom LImb)
Amulets - Not Around But Through (Beacon Sound)
CS + Kreme - The Butterfly Drinks the Tears of the Tortoise (Trilogy Tapes)
Blurstem - Silence Spoken (Bigo & Twigetti)
Old Saw - Measured Mile End [0:00]
Raoul Eden - J'aime Espérer Comme un Matin qui Passe [6:22]
Hania Rani - It Comes in Waves [12:48]
Pefkin - The Rescoring [19:27]
Erik K Skodvin - It's Better Asleep [26:25]
Earthen Sea - A Single Pub [29:41]
Zelienople - Hold in My Hands [33:51]
Danny Paul Grody Duo - Last Light [38:00]
Tomotsugu Nakamura - Innerview [42:30]
Mark Templeton - Closing / Scene [46:26]
Noémi Büchi - What if it Doesn't Matter? [51:28]
claire rousay - sycamore skylight [54:52]
Oren Ambarchi / Johan Berthling / Andreas Werliin - Ire [1:00:03]
Martha Skye Murphy - Forgive [1:07:32]
Suso Sáiz - Green Stones [1:11:48]
Black Decelerant - two [1:15:47]
Li Yilei - Yip, Yip, Yip [1:18:14]
KRM & KMRU - Differ [1:20:15]
Seaworth & Matt Rösner - Cold Weather [1:25:09]
Loren Connors & David Grubbs - The Pacific School [1:28:28]
Félicia Atkinson - The Healing [1:30:43]
A Lily - Ħajti Kollha, Qalbi [1:34:42]
Amulets - Myriads [1:38:56]
CS + Kreme - Corey [1:43:59]
Blurstem - Velvet Wave [1:47:16]
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