In this podcast episode, the third episode in the Survival Decentral series, I discuss the importance of building culture and understanding in relationship to community, personal, spiritual and religious values.
All too often there is an outcome focus in our lives where we focus on tangible objects and 'stuff' without taking the time to understand and build values and culture that will strengthen the stuff and the infrastructure we are building to live better lives.
For those who may see the world via a survivalist and prepping position, this episode is a value add in preparation for what some call a devolving world. In simple speak, you need to be clear on your values, particularly in challenging times and environments.
If you are new to the Survival Decentral Podcast series, please take the time to go back to the first 2 episodes where I talk about 'survival and prepping', and understanding and identifying the importance of 'currency' as we move into a future world that is changing quickly, and challenging existing structures and current ways of life.
You can find out more about me by visiting my website.