Human Rights, the Sustainable Development Goals & the Law: International Legal Symposium | Friday, 15 May 2020
As countries consider new policies and laws for post-pandemic recovery which can advance the global SDGs, informed dialogue among experts, academics and practitioners, building skills in rights-based approaches and engaging SDG-focused institutions, offers a key opportunity for learning and impact.
The 2020 Online International Symposium on Human Rights, the SDGs & the Law convenes leading experts in human rights, the SDGs and related fields with emerging scholars to chart a way forward that bridges the gaps in research and practice.
Co-hosted by the McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism and the Centre International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), in partnership with the University of Montreal Law Faculty, the University of Waterloo School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED), the Balsillie School of International Affairs (BSIA), the University of Chile Law Faculty, the University of Costa Rica Law Faculty, the International Law Association of Canada, the McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law (MJSDL), Canada’s Sustainable Development Solutions Network and other world-class universities and institutions, this one-day online symposium activates opportunity for impact.
Welcome & Opening Plenary
Chairs: Prof. François Crépeau (Director, CHRLP / Hans & Tamar Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law, McGill University) & Prof. Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger (Senior Director, CISDL / Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professor, University of Cambridge / Professor of Law, University of Waterloo)
Welcomes: Dr. Ashfaq Khalfan (Chair, CISDL Board of Governors / Law & Policy Director, Amnesty International); Dean Jean Andrey (Dean, University of Waterloo / Chair, Sustainable Development Solutions Network of Canada); Prof. Christina Voigt (Professor, University of Oslo / Chair, IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law Climate Change Specialist Group); Prof. Alexandra Harrington (Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Global Governance, Balsillie School of International Affairs BSIA / Research Director, CISDL); Adv. Bernard Colas (Partner, Colas Moreira Kazandjian Zikovsky; former President, International Law Association of Canada ILA); Maitre Pierre Gonthier (Chair, Hon Justice CD Gonthier Memorial Lectures Committee).
Keynote Addresses
Prof. David Boyd (United Nations UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights & the Environment / Assoc. Professor, University of British Columbia)
Dr. Catarina de Albuquerque (Chief Executive Officer, Sanitation & Water for All / former UN Special Rapporteur on Rights to Water & Sanitation, Chair of UN Working Group on Optional Protocol to ICESCR)
I Advancing Post-Pandemic Justice, Governance & Partnership – SDG 16 & 17
Chairs: Prof. Alexandra Harrington (Lead Counsel & Research Director, CISDL / Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Global Governance) & Ms. Janet McIntyre (Director of Access to Justice Secretariat, Justice Canada)
Keynote: Prof. Payam Akhavan (Professor, McGill University / Member, Permanent Court of Arbitration)
Speakers: Dr. Neshan Gunasekera (Coordinator, UNDP Sri Lanka); Prof. Emily Reid (Southampton Law School, University of Southampton): Prof. Sumudu Atapattu (Director of Research Centers and Senior Lecturer University of Wisconsin Law School, by film) & Intervenors: Prof. Ilaria Espa (Asst. Professor, Università della Svizzera italiana / Senior Research Fellow, World Trade Institute (WTI) / Adj. Professor, University of Milan); Dr. Henry Lovat (Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Research Fellow, University of Glasgow).
II Addressing Rights, Poverty & Disabilities – SDGs 1, 8 & 11
Chairs: Prof. Sebastien Jodoin (Asst. Professor,