I am honored to have my former colleagues and married ELA teachers Cristie Watson and Tom Watson join me for episode 17. Cristie and Tom share great practices for the ELA classroom and how successfully manage marriage and working in the same school.
References from the episode:
Cristie on Twitter - https://twitter.com/CristieWatson
Tom on Twitter - https://twitter.com/UVMELON
Google Expeditions - https://edu.google.com/expeditions/
My blog post about leading students (including Cristie’s) on Google Expeditions - https://tommullaney.com/2017/02/08/have-ipads-use-them-for-google-expeditions/
Google Classroom - https://classroom.google.com
August 2017 Updates to Google Classroom blog post - https://www.blog.google/topics/education/10-ways-were-making-classroom-and-forms-easier-teachers-school-year/
KidBlog - https://kidblog.org/
Grammarly Google Chrome extension - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/grammarly-for-chrome/kbfnbcaeplbcioakkpcpgfkobkghlhen?hl=en
John Green - An Open Letter to Kids Returning to School - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x78PnPd-V-A
Verso for class discussion - https://app.versoapp.com/
BreakoutEDU - https://www.breakoutedu.com/
Bitmoji Chrome extension (use for book talks and summaries) - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bitmoji/bfgdeiadkckfbkeigkoncpdieiiefpig?hl=en
TripAdvisor - Use the reviews to teach tone! - https://www.tripadvisor.com/
9 Mistakes New Teachers Make by Cristie Watson - Education Week Teacher - http://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2015/08/04/9-mistakes-new-teachers-make.html
Key Questions for New Teachers and Their Schools by Cristie Watson - Education Week Teacher - http://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2016/10/05/key-questions-for-new-teachers-and-their.html
Fostering a Long-Lasting Love of Teaching by Cristie Watson - Education Week Teacher - http://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2017/02/14/fostering-a-long-lasting-love-of-teaching.html