All good things come to an end. That's how Nick de Ruiter, our host, often ends his podcast, and is very applicable for this episode. Our 28th episode marks the finale of our podcast series Walk the Talk on sustainability. After two years, 2 seasons and 28 episodes, Nick passes the reins to the next generation. In 2023, we will start a new podcast series called Next Gen on sustainability, where our young consultants rotate as hosts and explore a sustainability challenge in their own episode. For now, Olivier Benz, senior consultant and co-founder of Next Gen on sustainability, looks back on an eventful podcast with Nick. What are Nick's highlights of Walk the Talk? What was his goal, and did he reach it? But also, what are his expectations of our next generation? You can hear it all in our podcast finale.
Excited to hear more? Stay tuned, for our podcast series ‘Next Gen on sustainability’ is coming soon - already in the beginning of 2023! We offer the microphone to our young consultants, so they can get to the bottom of emerging sustainability topics. You can expect inspiring guests from different fields, fresh perspectives and practical, useful solutions to the challenges of tomorrow.