In this episode, CSB Director CB Bhattacharya is joined from Hastings-on-Hudson, New York by Seth Godin, writer, 5-time TED talk speaker, founder of Akimbo, and coordinator of The Carbon Almanac: It’s Not Too Late.
A collection of more than 300 pages of tables, charts, illustrations, insights, quotes, and ways to understand what’s going on with climate change, The Carbon Almanac is a collaboration between more than 300 writers, researchers, thinkers, and illustrators that provide credible and authoritative information on carbon and its impact on climate.
Seth has written over 20 bestselling books and his work has been translated into nearly 40 languages. He is also a pioneer of ethical online direct marketing, now a $30bn a year industry.
In the Episode Seth Godin and Prof. Bhattacharya discuss
- What is carbon, why it matters, and why we should care,
- Advice on how companies can avoid unethical marketing and greenwashing,
- How to rethink consumption and production systems, and more...
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This episode was researched, recorded, edited, and produced by the CSB Team of the University of Pittsburgh Center for Sustainable Business:
Music: "Lively" by Dee Yan-Key
From the Free Music Archive
Originally released on June 29, 2022