We decided to do a soft reset with our previous campaign and start afresh now that we're more comfortable with the system and the expectations on the game
We're still playing in Chris' custom setting, however, and he has worked hard to rework The Lost Mines of Phandelver, the starter adventure for D&D 5e, into it.
So if you enjoy slaughtered goblins, emo-phase Halflings, Halfelves with emotional issues, hippies and pig-riders, be sure to tune in!
David plays Alethor the Halfelf Rogue
Linda plays Clover, the Human Druid
Gus plays Milo, the Halfling Wizard and
Daniel plays Nightshade, the Halfling Ranger.
Check us out on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/c/swedefighters or on our website http://www.swederolls.com