Darniesha and Anders are BYKE for their second season! This time, with singer/songwriter/influencer Jalen Maxwell for an in-depth dicussion on social media revolution, brand building, and the ups and downs of being a young person in 2019. All of that and more on the season premiere of Sweet Tea.
Follow the Sweet Tea Instagram!
Follow Jalen Maxwell!
Instagram: @jalen.maxwell
Twitter: @JalenMaxedOut
Snapchat: @JalenMaxedOut
Facebook: Jalen Maxwell
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jalen-maxwell/1391849785
Follow Anders!
Instagram: @officialanders
Twitter: @officialanders_
Snapchat: @andjh07
Facebook: Anders Jamal Hare
Follow Darniesha!
Instagram: @darneisha_thompson
Facebook: Darneisha Dirt Nap Thompson
Snapchat: @dirtnap_96