I will not be incriminated. It will not. It will not happen. No, definitely not So, Timing Impeccable. Yep. Splice. Yep. Love. Yep. Production. Production. That shit is, I love doing that shit. That shit was insane. It's such a different form of artistic expression, like mm-hmm. I don't, I do get, sometimes it's hard inspiration wise cause I gotta sit down, I gotta make a good beat and then still write a good song.
Right? So sometimes I'm like, ah. You say, you know what? Dunno I all that in me today. Right? But that's part of the reason why I'm doing this, is for the inspiration kick when I get home. Ooh. And just cuz I'm gonna be, I'm gonna get on this plane, I literally leave at 7:00 AM tomorrow. Tomorrow. Like, I'm gonna be done, I'm gonna go get fucked up and weird probably, and, and just go get on the plane, right?
Probably still fucked up from tonight. Are you gonna, hopefully your flight didn't get canceled. These flight delayed canceled. Yeah. Flying in Southwest. Oh wow. I got the beginning of that on my way here. Did you? Because they, I, I got delayed like four hours cuz they couldn't find a flight attendant. Right.
But it was the beginning of that shit. So they were able to find one. If I would've been flying out at like noon, I would've been fucked. That would've been crazy, bro. Would've been, yeah. If I. Hey, at least you're in Tucson and enjoying the, the, the, the heat, the milk. Dude, it was eight degrees when I left that motherfucker with a wind chill that made it feel like negative too.
I was like, what the hell? Meteor. I couldn't take the, the dog outside, dude. It was she shit on the floor. And I was like, I can't even be mad at you. Yeah, right. Do you? Cool. Dang my bad, bro. How long have you had your dog? Like a year. That's my, that's the homie. She, in all the promo materials, bro. That's the homie name's Misha.
She's half pit, half whip it. So she's just like a little mini pit bull. Got the sweetest little displacement though. Like she'll never, she's never got weird with a person. Right? Feet like girl dogs. She kind of gets like, who the fuck are you? Right? But she's so sweet. But everybody else, she's like, okay, you cool?