Compensation discussions are always the same: Workers want more. Companies want to pay less. And somewhere in the middle the two shall meet.
But this year is a little extra. After a decade-long hiring boom, we had a pandemic, followed by runaway salary inflation, then a tanking job market (for Office Dorks™️ anyway), and another bounce back (fingers crossed.)
Which really means we have some workers unwilling to move from those high paying jobs they landed in 2021/2022. While others are taking whatever they can get. Then you’ve got some companies thinking they can still cut costs. While others are paying up because they have to.
Throw in increased pressure for AI and low cost offshoring and it’s the wild west.
Jeff Smith and James Hornick dig into the disparity and lack of clarity around fair market value in The 10 Minute Talent Rant, Episode 103, "Compensation is a Trainwreck”