Isaac and I felt the need to go create something. The last 2 weeks have been incredibly heavy to hold. If there is one thing that he and I do together in time of trouble- it's make each other laugh. We could be standing in the desert outside of Vegas with shovels in our hands and somehow one of us would say something to make the other cry from laughing.
So, we just sat down in the studio and this is what came out of it.
It's kind of like Internet Battleship. Isaac says something and then I look up something it reminds me of on the internet and an hour later, we are in the black hole depths of the inter webs.
We ended up with some music videos, Flashdance, horror movies, boy bands, top songs played in strip clubs, Neon Trees, New Kids On The Block, The Shining, Freddie Krueger, Nial Horan and One Direction and the movie Funny Games.
I out myself on peeping on horror movies as a kid without my mom knowing.
And Ike got new glasses.
Watch Misty and Ike Ruin The Internet....
this might be the beginning of something.