Dr. Don Haddad, Superintendent of the St. Vrain Valley School District, sits down for a talk with Scott Converse, Publisher of the Longmont Observer.
Dr. Don Haddad, SVVSD Superintendent (Photo by the Longmont Observer)
Topics covered in this episode include:
The podcast series produced by St. Vrain Valley School District employees called “Vrainwaves”.
What is the “Infinite Campus”?
What is open enrollment and how does it work?
The school district added 6 SRO’s (School Resource Officers, members of the Longmont Police or County Sheriff’s office) to middle and high schools; how’s that going?
Thoughts on the recent St. Vrain Valley School District Salary Explorer published by the Longmont Observer, and Dr. Haddad’s thoughts on transparency of the school district’s information.
Discussion about a recent Colorado House Bill (17-1375) that changes how mill levy override revenue is distributed to Charter Schools, how that affects Charter Schools and how, or if, it affects neighborhood (non-charter) schools.
How the school district is outperforming its 2008 bond, and how it uses well thought through strategies to put the school districts dollars to the best and highest use.
Some overview of new projects as well as recently finished projects in the district as well as the opening of the Innovation Center, a world class educational facility that does things few other K-12 school districts in the country are doing.
Dr. Haddad’s thoughts on/answer to the question, “How important are public schools vs. other kinds of schools, to the future of our nation?”
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