Lawd have mercy this one was a tough one. Men and Women fail to realize how much they refuse to be honest with each other. Why can’t you two be honest if one of you caught feelings? That’s exactly why when it’s time to move on you two can’t be cordial. If you really start to feel for the person you’re sharing valuable time you can’t get back in life. Then what is the reason you can’t speak on that with them? All because you two were supposed to keep it cool, keep it G, no feelings involved, and just be on some simple S**t. Well if you don’t speak up in time then you can’t get mad when one or the other decides they want to give their all to someone else. Situationships end with the Male or Female mad at each other all because someone didn’t want to speak up about catching feelings. Hey if you missed your blessings that’s your fault because a closed mouth don’t get fed either.