Slade has built three millennial-focused newsrooms, most recently as managing editor and editorial product head at CNN's Beme, and before that at Mic and HyperVocal. He also co-hosted and executive produced SiriusXM's daily "Politics Powered by Twitter" satellite radio show. He also is co-director of Camp Power, a nonprofit summer camp for underprivileged kids from Brooklyn and the Bronx.
Slade and I grew up in the same town and went to school together. This was our first time hanging out in many, many years. We discussed playing in a cul-de-sac, Angela Lansbury, Broadway shows, why I should watch soccer, and where the media landscape is heading (hint: we don't know). Also, his incredible nonprofit, a summer camp for kids who don't otherwise have the chance to go, Camp Power.
Please enjoy this episode of Talkin' Ish, with Slade Sohmer.
You can find Slade amplifying voices that need to be heard, on Twitter, @slade, and on Instagram @sladeny.
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